Heath Yonaites

Fine Art

In Somnis Veritas

Thanks for visiting. Contained within is a collection of my artistic endeavors. There’s a lot to see here, take your time and explore. Painting is my primary focus, so that’s a good place to start. All will be revealed when you click on the links…


Spagyrical Anatomy

Five galleries of unique, surreal oil paintings


Flowers Of Antimony

Four galleries of what could be and what is


Locus Solus

Leftover fables, fugues, and freehand(s)


Presque Vu

Behind the artistic process and the person

There is beauty if you look for it, underneath everything is a light. Water reflects, it does not choose. When light shines elsewhere the reflections disappear, yet the water remains unchanged. Drink to your heart's content.
Website & content created by Heath Yonaites. All rights reserved. Copywrite © 2023